Barsoi Familien-Aufzucht/Züchter/Welpen in Bauler/Rheinland-Pfalz/Deutschland


Deerhound Familien-Aufzucht/ Züchter/Welpen in Bauler/Rheinland-Pfalz/Deutschland 






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32 Einträge auf 4 Seiten

Johanna Saatsi

Johanna Saatsi‎ über Facebook
Nadja Koschwitz am
15. Mai um 13:52 ·

I'd like to write few lines about breeding work at kennel von Alshamina. Nadja and Michael Koschwitz are doing absolutely wonderful job! Beside taking a very good care of puppies and adult dogs, I can see that they are doing everything with much love and passion.

5 days ago I started a long travel driving about 700 km across Germany and spent two nights & one day at ferrytrip with 9 weeks old puppy. This puppy was so well prepared to move into a new home and travel that I could not believe it! Never seen borzoi puppy so selfconfident from the beginning. There was no missing back, no crying at all! Everytime when car was moving, puppy was sleeping relaxed like he had been driving a car whole his life. It was easy to take a break from driving because this puppy was already used to walk on leash.

And this puppy is really house trained. In ferry it was heartbreaking to see how he tried to ask permision to get outside when he had urge to pee or poo (he saw sunlite coming trough cabin window and he know that outside is there...). Then because it was not possible us to let him go outside, he made his pee and poo exactly to the same place everytime. At home after 3 days now, he has been absolutely house trained, not even single accident!

This puppy sleeps 7-8 hours nights continuously, beginning from the first night in cabin of the ship. I am amazed! When I look at this puppy behaviour, I can see that he is handled a lot with much love and he has got a lot of good experiences about the outside world.

And finally thank you Nadja and Micha for so many photos, videos and greetings sent all the way from the very first moments of my beloved puppys life.

Best regards,
Johanna Saatsi (small animal veterinarian from Finland) and Spotty (Dorogoi von Alshamina)

Ps. Here is a photo of Spotty sleeping in our car a half of hours after starting his long journey to home.

Yveline Vandenberghe

Yveline Vdb über Facebook am
4. Dezember 2014 ·

Je tiens à témoigner encore de mon admiration pour le travail de Nadja Koschwitz , élevage Von Alshamina à Bauler en Allemagne. Elle a été très très présente et m'a comblée de photos et nouvelles de mon bébé, sans que j'ai a réclamer quoi que ce soit. Bolkhov n'a , pour l'instant, jamais fait ses besoins , la nuit , ni détruit quoi que ce soit !!! Il marche en laisse , a été super sage pendant un peu plus de 1000 km et n'a pas été malade . Je n'ai tout simplement , jamais eu , ni vu, un chiot comme ça . Après j'ai la chance d'être a la maison et d'y travailler , donc je suis très présente et attentive à ce petit , ce qui facilite son éducation rapide . Bref, je vous recommande vivement cette personne . Merci 1 milliard de fois Nadja pour ta confiance et merci aussi à Michael Koschwitz, qui est très impliqué aussi ;) on vous aime <3 <3 <3

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